The #1-rated Prep Platform for the CFA® Program and the FRM® Program study materials. Our partner has curated a collection of comprehensive high quality notes, question banks and mock tests to supplement your training. Practice is the key to success.

  • Comprehensive study notes in an easy to read format
  • 2400 high quality exam style questions with detailed solutions
  • Performance tracking to find your strengths and weaknesses
  • 2 Printable and Downloadable Mock Exams
  • Presentation handouts, quizzes, doubts clearing support

Study Notes

Give yourself the best possible chance of success with AnalystPrep’s FRM exam part II study notes. The notes will help you develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of principles needed to pass the exam. The study notes include a full explanation of all the curriculum objectives, with worked examples and short questions to test your understanding.

FRM exam part II study notes build on concepts introduced in part I. It’s common to encounter questions that combine concepts from different topics. Our study notes are written in an easy-to-understand conversational tone. Whatever your professional background is, you can be sure to grasp all that’s needed.

We leverage expert FRM instructors to help you unravel key concepts and gain confidence as you revise. Plus, AnalystPrep’s FRM preparation packages are approved by the Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) so you know that the quality of the content is up to par with what you will encounter in the FRM exams.

  • Chapter-by-chapter analysis with detailed explanations on key concepts
  • End-of-chapter questions to gauge your progress
  • Exam tips and tricks for applying your knowledge
  • Curriculum updates
  • Real-time interaction with our instructors whenever you need additional help

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Question Bank

Our FRM Part II practice questions are designed to strengthen your understanding of key concepts and gauge your preparation with respect to your peers around the world.

Each question in the FRM Part II QBank has been developed by certified FRMs to ensure the highest level of quality and relevance. As a sign of trust, you get exclusive access to hundreds of FRM Part II practice questions as soon as you sign up. Thousands of candidates have used the question bank, with over 1 million questions answered.

Our practice questions are updated every year to ensure consistency with the most recent curriculum as outlined by the GARP.

Our partner’s game-changing algorithms enable you to compare your scores with those of other candidates around the globe.

Our FRM part II practice questions are known, not just for their level of detail but also for their high level of complexity. Preparing using too easy questions is a sure way to get frustrated on the big day, and as much is shared by candidates on feedback forums. At AnalystPrep, we pride ourselves in thorough, continuously challenging questions that only make you a better-prepared candidate

Our practice questions are subdivided according to readings to help you focus on a particular area at a time. If you need to gauge your knowledge on multiple readings, you can easily create a customized quiz with any number of questions.

We also include a comments section in each question through which you can link up with our experienced instructor for extra tips and tricks.

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Mock Tests

Practice is the Key to Success

Each of our FRM part II mock exams has been painstakingly designed to be a notch higher in difficulty than the real exam. All our exams are developed through a rigorous process by certified, practicing FRMs. If you score well in our mock exams, you are well poised to succeed in the real exam.

Why Ace Finstructor

Qualified Instructors

Every instructor is a MBA, has cleared all levels of CFA & FRM with 10 Years of teaching experience.

Individual Attention

We limit the number of enrollments in our batches to ensure that individual attention is not diluted.

Unique Methodology

Unique conceptual shortcuts & review quizzes to enable faster recall & better speed on the exam day.

Read here about our faculty and teaching philosophy Read More

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